A.I. Lifestyle
Lifestyle Income Automation Solutions. Created by C.W.Morton.
Make.com Blueprints
Workflow integration blueprints for use with Make.com.
These are downloadable files, .json format.
Instructions can be found here:
- How to Install Make Blueprints
- Sign up for Make.com
Blog Automation
- Blogger AI AutobloggerAI Automated Blogging
- Medium AI AutobloggerAI Automated Blogging
- Shopify AI AutobloggerAI Automated Blogging
- WordPress AI AutobloggerAI Automated Blogging
Social Media Automation
Simple Image Blasters
- Simple Image Blaster (Facebook)AI Automated Image Posting
- Tumblr Image BlasterAI Automated Image Posting
- Advanced AI Image BlasterAI Automated Image Posting with Text
Multi-Platform Social Media Automation
- Social Media Magic Wand (Fixed)Multi-Platform Social Media AI Automation
- Social Media Magic Wand (Instagram Challenge Edition)Broken, needs fixing, can you fix it?
- New Product Watch + Social Media Magic WandAI Automated New Product Updates Multi-Platform
- YouTube Watch + Social Media Magic WandAutomatically create social posts with video links when new videos are uploaded to YouTube!
X (Twitter) Automation
- AI Auto-Tweeter + ImageAI Automated Image Tweets
- AI Auto-Tweet SquadronAI Automated Multi-Account Tweeter
- AI Auto-Tweet BlastWave BattalionAI Automated Twitter Assault Front
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