About Me

Just who in the hell is this bozo?

Hello, I am C.W. Morton.

I created Automated Income Lifestyle.

A few years ago I set out with a clear goal to automate my existing online business so I can have time to build new things, without closing my business.

Thanks to modern apps and especially now with ChatGPT, this new reality is taking shape.

After reducing my work hours significantly with simple tools available to anyone, I am now building other automated income streams and sharing my experiences and creating tutorials to show what I am doing.

I started with very little experience, and my knowledge of programming is very limited.

  • Advanced knowledge about coding is not required!
  • I have built multiple online income streams with a clear intent for everything to be automated as much as possible, so I can work as little as possible.
  • Now I can focus on living the life I wanted to achieve without stress of needing to show up somewhere 40 hours per week, and I want to help others do the same!

Frequently Asked Questions

The F.A.Q.s

How long does it take to set up an automated income stream?

A new income stream can be set up very quickly, sometimes within a matter of hours in the case of crypto-trading bots, but most income streams like Affiliate Marketing and Print on Demand take a few months to build an audience.

Will you build a custom Make scenario for me?

I am open to taking on projects and helping you automate, however, I am not a professional developer and many requests may be beyond my scope of ability. Even if I cannot build it, I can still likely point the way the right resources to help you build what you desire! I have a big network of no-code loving AI-happy developers I learn from!

Can I automate my existing online business?

Yes! I did it with a physical 3D printing business, and then applied it to other online businesses. Automation takes many forms. Automation can be outsourcing of physical production or product fulfillment, it can also be AI automation of marketing and advertising. All businesses with any online presence can benefit from automation of their tasks including tedious back end processes, 24-hour customer engagement and support for FAR less $$ than a human call-center employee, automated social media posting and customer interaction, blog marketing, etc.

Do you ever host workshops walking us through how to use automated platforms you use?

Not currently, but I may in the future. I offer video tutorials on YouTube for free, and Digital Morton is trained on every platform that I use and probably knows a little more than the real me! Really! Yay Artificial Intelligence!!!

How much money do I need to invest into a platform to earn at least 2k, 5k, 10k, etc per month from crypto trading bots?

This totally varies with what you are trading, what your expectations are, and how much risk tolerance you have. There is no one size fits all balance to have, but in general - consider this : If a major coin shows a history of fluctuating by 1% daily, and you have 20k invested, then you only need to capture the 1% gain 10 times in a month and you have 2k per month profit in your pocket.

What if I loose money using the crypto platforms you specify?

This is possible. The automated crypto bots I show you and help you learn how to use - must be mastered by you - and as with any trading there is always risk. You must decide how much risk you can tolerate.

Note: ANY cryptocurrency has it's value weighed against your native currency, and fluctuations in the crypto value against the native currency can create a loss at any time. Trading platforms are sometimes hacked, and they can have other issues that can create losses that are not related to your bots. If you invest money into any of the crypto platforms I teach how to use - your money is invested in that platform. Any losses incurred are your responsibility, and I have no connection to the platform other than using it personally. If any platform collapses or fails, I will be loosing something, just like you.

Will you take my money to invest for me?

No. I am not a broker, I do not offer any investment services. I cannot and will not take payments with the intent of earning a return or investing your money. I am NOT a financial advisor.

I have not built any of these online tools - the apps and platforms I use are created by companies and professional developers. I just use them and I have a knack for explaining how I use them. That is ALL you should expect from me, this website, and my YouTube / Blogs.


If your question is not answered here, you can reach out through my chatbot, Digital Morton. Digital Morton is the best digital copy of me I could make and he can answer about 99.9% of your questions.